Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Traveling Through a Network

Understanding ping and traceroute is a troubleshooting network tool. Ping is a command to test the website's connectivity and how fast you can access it. Once reached, it will send the same replies consistently. For example, in all my ping compared to Google and Sanrio, it is consistent, which means it is online and ready to go. In contrast, Zara had a time-out request while pinging the website, which gave an error. While learning and i posted my discussion with this issues my classmate gave me a great suggestion that worked for him, which was to add the "www," and it worked! (Displayed with the screen shots down below). Traceroute is the command to see all messages from the network to the computer. When accessing a traceroute, the "hops" are the numbers on the right-hand side; a packet passes until it reaches its destination and has a router stop. With Google, it took seven hops to get to the website. The other two traceroutes in a different region took over ten hops to get onto the websites. With the different areas of the website for the Sanrio website after the 11th hop, there was a constant packet loss, as well as Zara's website. When I was completing my traceroutes, the traceroutes were not appropriately completed for some reason. It may be an error out or not continue. Ping and traceroute commands are used to troubleshoot internet problems and for any number of other things. The configuration can be offline or offline or not responding to the ping request. The traceroute will show all the hops, and you will determine where the hop ends and the following steps to fix it. It might time out or return with an error response because a firewall can block the request. Another reason might be the return path from the target of the system. With ping and traceroute, it will help people know what the issue might be, and it is a great tool to ensure the network works properly.

Ping Activity
1. Google.com
Ping Google.com
2. Sanrio.co.jp
Ping Sanrio.co.jp
3. Zara.com.au


Traceroute Activity 
1. Google.com
Traceroute Google.com 
2. Sanrio.co.jp
Traceroute Sanrio.co.jp 
3. Zara.com.au
Traceroute Zara.com.au

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