Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Network Security

            Information and system security is essential for individuals and organizations to protect data confidentiality against breaches, fraud, and malicious codes. Without cyber security, everything could be leaked, and anyone who can find where you live, work, etc., can know everything about you. 

            The type of attack that can be executed using ping commands is DoS. It occurs when an attacker overloads a computer, service, or system with oversized data packets, which “denies service.” In Chapter 8, when DoS is explained, there is an article about a 16-year-old boy who was arrested for one of the world’s most significant DoS attacks.(https://www.rt.com/news/uk-boy-arrested-ddos-attack-411/)  It was fascinating how he did it, but obviously, there were some red flags, and he got arrested.

    There are many computer security incidents stories out there. For example, my personal experience is when I was being phishing. I thought a Microsoft person called me when I was a teenager, and I said something was wrong with my computer. They told me to do certain things and got into my computer to access items, and I could see them moving the mouse around, so I quickly turned off the computer. They tried calling back multiple times, and I did not answer. A couple of days later, I turned on the computer, and there was a lot of computer virus on my laptop and different things that did not make sense. Unfortunately, I had to factory reset my computer then and was aware that no one from Microsoft would call me. 

            Every day, any computer system is vulnerable to each kind of threat. The damage that each breach can inflict after compromising a system is they probably did or did not get all my personal information on the laptop. Two recommendations for protecting my computer system or network are downloading antivirus software and firewalls. That way, it can help protect my computer. Also, I search online to ensure each website has a digital certificate with secure website connections. That way, I know it is a legit website.     

            Reading chapter 8 in this assignment has made me more aware of different things that can happen anywhere and at any time of the day. You must be careful of what you do online and ensure you have the correct antiviruses and firewalls.

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Network Security

            Information and system security is essential for individuals and organizations to protect data confidentiality against breaches,...